Arts Fest 2020: Battle of the Bands and Singer Songwriter

by Eleni Krupinski ‘21

Boston College’s annual Battle of the Bands and Singer Songwriter competitions are organized by the BC Arts Council, CAB, and Music Guild. They feature original music and showcase the musical talent of students across the Boston College community. The participants compete for the opportunity to perform at BC’s Best during the BC Arts Festival. As our Arts Festival is going virtual this year we have created this space to highlight our student musicians and their work.

Kyle Maldjian ’20


Faxi Moto

Kyle Maldjian ‘20 - Anne Marie Green ‘20 - Enric Adillon ‘20 - Alejandro Hervella NEU ‘20 - Max Williams NEU ‘20


Danny Nguyen ’23


Photo Negative

Matty Hogan ‘22 - Eamon Laughlin ‘22 - Stephen Ventura ‘22 - Ben Crandall ‘23 - Nicky Straub ‘23


Check out Photo Negative on Spotify!


Stella Si ’23


Henry Dieckhaus ’20


Fret Level Midnight

Melissa Mao ’23 - Joe Malone ’21 - Franklin Grear - Ryan Muhlenberg ’23

Annabel Hodson-Walker ’21


Word on the Street

Alex Eichler '20 - Dan Pfleuger '20 - Maddy McCullough '20 - Peter Toronto '20


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